The island of Norland is the westernmost of the Moonshaes, and its distant location also mirrors the distinct culture of its inhabitants. The land challenges all who live here, and the giants are loath to share it.
At a Glance
Capital: Rogarsheim (Northlanders)
Population: 50,000 (humans, dwarves, giants)
Government: Clan Jarls (Northlanders), Clan Elders (dwarves), Tribe Chiefs (giants)
Religions: Tempus and Valkur (Northlanders), Morndinsamman (dwarves), Ordning (giants)
Imports: Grain, Manufactured Goods, Wood
Exports: Fish, Iron, Salt, Slate, Whale Oil
Cultures and Society
Dwarves. Mountain dwarves dig deep under the Jotunhammer Mountains and desire to be left alone by the surface dwellers. A clan of duergar live in the Deepshaes.
Giants. Many giants live in the mountains of Norland and claim the entire island for themselves. Most of the giants are firbolgs, but there are fire, frost, and hill giants as well.
Northlanders. The Northlanders are the most recent immigrants on Norland but have carved out a large slice of territory along the coasts where they war regularly with the giants.
Geographical Features
The Frostfenn. The Frostfenn is an icy fen that is frequently draped in mist. It’s a great source of bog iron but is the home to many frost giants.
Jarl’s Anvil. This large butte rises near the break between the northern and southern Jotunhammer Mountains. It guards access to the interior and is a prominent landmark.
Norfen Lake. This lake drains the Frostfenn and ices over most of the year. During the summer, the Northlanders use it as easy access to the Frostfenn.
Jotunhammer Mountains. This range of mountains protects Norland from storms coming in off the Trackless Sea and is the home to a firmly entrenched colony of giants, mainly firbolgs.
Jotunskorg. Formerly a dark forest composed mostly of fir trees, the Jotunskorg was severely burned in the eruption of Hjälmaren.
Important Sites
The Grim Tarn. The sole moonwell on Norland that survived the invasion of the Northlanders, probably owing to its remote location.
Hjälmaren. An active volcano that recently erupted, sending lava down its slopes and spreading ash across Norland.
Lair of the Werewyvern. A large number of wyverns live in this network of caverns. Stories say they’re actually lycanthropes.
Stormbanner Hold. This magnificent stronghold is built around the stone towers of a previously constructed Ffolk dwelling.
The Sunken Academy. These mysterious ruins are located deep in the Frostfenn.
Tri-Spired Lighthouse. A remnant from an earlier age, this lighthouse has a light in each spire, but only the center one is ever lit. Bards say the other lights shine in different worlds.
Tvarstoldt Tar Pits. Hot tar bubbles to the surface in many spots here, creating a dangerous and unpredictable terrain.
Arfinnsheim. The largest Northlander village on the west coast, Arfinnsheim survived the eruption mostly intact.
Arndtbergom. This fortified Northlander village was set ablaze and abandoned with the eruption of Hjälmaren.
Follebu. A giant town mostly settled by firbolgs. They spend a great deal of time warring with the Northlanders at Arndtbergom.
Gudbrandstad. A fortified Northlander village with an excellent harbor. From here, the Northlanders trade with the dwarves.
Rogarsheim. Once the most populous settlement on Norland, Rogarsheim was abandoned following the eruption of Hjälmaren.
Sommersdal. A fire giant hold built at the foot of a volcano. The eruption didn’t bother them.
Sordal. A stone giant warren upwind and unaffected by Hjälmaren. They throw rocks at passing ships, out of spite and entertainment.