Alaron, the largest island in the Moonshae Isles, is the heartland of the Ffolk and the seat of power for the High King of the Moonshaes. Now, the Slain sits on the throne at Caer Callidyrr and the island's vitality lessens with each passing day. The moonwells have darkened, and the Shadow has covered the land.
At a Glance
Capital: Caer Callidyrr
Population: 200,000 (humans, halflings, elves, dwarves, and fey)
Government: Feudal monarchy (The Slain)
Religions: Talos and Helm
Imports: Dyes, Gold, Fruit, Linen, Silver, Wine
Exports: Cheese, Cider, Grain, Iron, Wood, Wool
Cultures and Society
Alaron is the most powerful of Moonshae kingdoms where the traditions of the Ffolk, the Northlanders, and outlanders blend together.
Dark Fey. Dark fey now run rampant through the Dernall Forests. They infest the land, answering to “The Great Gark,” a goblin king from the Feydark realm of Nachtur.
Ffolk. The Ffolk of Alaron suffer greatly with the darkenings of the moonwells and the fall of the High King to the Slain.
Halflings. Halflings have retreated to their insular communities while the Slain reigns.
Geographical Features
Alaron was an idyllic land, rich with forests, verdant pastures, and numerous ports. Now, it’s cloaked in shadow. The days seem dim, and the land has turned cruel.
Dernall Forest. This great forest is now prowled by the many dark fey who serve the Great Gark.
Drowned Forest. This marshland is home to many will-o’-the wisps and other bog creatures.
Rushdown Wood. The Rushdown has resisted the fall into shadow thanks to its distance from Caer Callidyrr and a portal to the Feywild.
Swanmay River. This winding river is the longest in the Moonshaes and runs through the heart of the Dernall Forest.
Tearglade. This saltmarsh at the mouth of the Swanmay River is known for flooding.
Torriage Wood. A small stretch of pine along the coast. It’s often timbered for ship masts.
Important Sites
Fountain of Faerie. This moonwell deep in the Dernall is tended by the Great Druid Antola.
Aithelar. A crowded fishing village that rings a small, horseshoe bay.
Blythe. A small port town near the mouth of the Swanmay River.
Bounty. A forest village that thrived on hunting and trapping, now overrun with fey.
Caer Callidyrr. The capital city of Alaron and the seat of power for the Slain.
Cobh. A fishing village built on a sheltered cove with a large halfling population.
Codfin. A fishing village with rumored connections to the Tunnels of Dwarvenholm.
Doncastle. This legendary town is built entirely in the trees and is a refuge for the goodly creature in the Dernall Forest.
Dorset. A small town famous for its nearby faerie portal and faerie faire.
Grady. A market town along the High King’s Road, renowned for its cheese.
Hickory Dale. A village overlooking the lowlands of the Drowned Forest.
Holyhead. A small fishing village built on a head of land projecting out into the sea.
Horsa. This town is built around a great bridge over the Swanmay River.
Kythyss. A major port town that is dominated by the Amnians of Snowdown.
Lehigh. A forest village near Caer Callidyrr and the point of departure of many hunting parties.
Llewellyn. A port town that overlooks the deep Llewellyn Harbor.
Ogden. This town on the edge of the Dernall has a majority halfling population.
Pembroke. A market town at the center of the fertile agricultural lands.
Regent’s Field. This town grew up around a way stop on the High King’s Road.